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01. Tense part-8, 02. Class VIII English- (Geography Lesson ), 03. Class IX English (Villa for Sale ), 04. Parts of Speech ( Noun), 05. The English Language For Advanced Students,

V - ENGLISH - 8.2 The Little Bully - word notes


tease – verb – to laugh at somebody and make jokes about them

Don’t get upset – I was only teasing.

long ago – adverb – a short/long time ago

Hoe long ago did you buy it ?

pinch – verb – to squeeze hard with thumb and first finger to hurt somebody

My sister is always pinching me. He pinched the baby’s cheek playfully.

bruise – noun – injury by blow by body appear on the skin

pricking – verb – to make a very small hole in something with a sharp point

He pricked the balloon and burst it. Prick holes in the paper with a pin.

She pricked her finger on a needle.

take out – verb -  to obtain, to remove something from inside

How many teeth did the dentist take out?

sandwiches – noun – two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, cheese, etc. between them

jam sandwiches – sandwiches with jam

hoarse – noun , adjective  – rough and deep sounding

turn around – phrasal verb – to change position or direction so as to face the other way

Turn around and let me look at your back.

 fright – noun – a feeling of fear.

He was shaking with fright.

monster - noun – an imaginary creature that is very large, ugly and frightening

stalks – noun – main stem

held out – phrasal verb –  lasted especially in a difficult situation

We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.

pincer – noun – gripping tool

nipped – verb  – gave a quick painful bite or pinch

yelled – verb – shouted loudly

horror – noun – a feeling of great shock, fear or disgust

Her eyes were wide with horror.

lobster – noun – a sea creature with a hard shell, a long body divided into sections ( eight legs and two large claws)

shrimps – noun – a small shellfish that can be eaten like a prawn but smaller

prawns – noun – a shellfish with ten legs and a long tail, that can be eaten  

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