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01. Tense part-8, 02. Class VIII English- (Geography Lesson ), 03. Class IX English (Villa for Sale ), 04. Parts of Speech ( Noun), 05. The English Language For Advanced Students,

III - ENGLISH - Parts of Speech



What is Parts of Speech ?

Ans: Words are divided into different classes. They are called Parts of Speech.

What are the different types of Parts of Speech ? What are they ?

Ans: There are eight types of Parts of Speech . They are as such..

1. Noun  2. Pronoun  3. Adjective  4. Verb  

5. Adverb  6.  Preposition  7. Conjunction  

8. Interjection


What is Noun ?

Ans: A noun is a naming word. Naming words  are the name of persons, places or things.

Example: Ram is a good boy.  { Naming word 

( name of person ) - Ram }

Koraput is a hilly district in Odisha.   

Naming word ( name of district/place ) - Koraput

This chair is made of wood. { Naming word 

( name of things ) - chair, wood }  


What is Pronoun ?  Give an example.

Ans: A word which is used in place of a noun is called Pronoun .

Saswat is going to School. ( Saswat - Noun )       He is going to School. ( He - Pronoun )


What is Adjective ? Give an example.

Ans: An Adjective is a word used for qualifying  a noun or pronoun.             or  

An Adjective is a word used for adding something to the meaning of a noun or pronoun.

Example: Ram is a good boy. ( Here 'good'                                            shows the quality of a boy )

Give me two pens. My friend gave me five pencils in my birth day. ( Here the word two and five shows the quantity ( add something more to                                       the noun pen and pencil. )


What is a Verb ?

Ans: Verbs are words that show actions,

 motions, doing or states of being.

action, motion, doing - means doing something .

 Raghav is jumping in the field.

States of being - ( feeling ) This mango tastes so



What is Adverb ? Give examples.

Ans: The word which qualifies any word (Parts

 of Speech) in a sentence except a noun or

 pronoun is called an adverb.

Example -1 - Raghu goes slowly. ( Here the

 adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'goes' )

Example -2 - She is a very beautiful girl. ( Here

 the adverb 'very' modifies the adjective


Example -3 - My friend walks very slowly. ( Here

 the adverb 'very' modifies the another adverb


Example -4 -The bird flew exactly over our head.

 ( Here the adverb 'exactly' modifies the

                                                preposition 'over')


Time : now, then, soon , early etc.

Place : here, there, far, near etc.

Manner : slowly, quickly, surely etc.

Number : once, twice , thrice , again,always etc. 

Other adverb to remember : very, much , partly

 , wholly, as , so that,if,unless,though,although



What is Preposition ?

Ans: Preposition is a word. 

It is placed before a noun or a pronoun. 

It shows the relation of that noun or pronoun

                with any other word of the sentence. 

These prepositions show place, time, direction


Examples of some of prepositions :

in, on,under,over,above,by,near,though,although,


for,about,behind,in front of, with,without etc.

Examples in sentences :

The book is in the table. The man is under the

tree. The bird is flying over our head. The dog is

behind you.


What is a conjunction ?

Ans: A conjunction is a word  used to join words

 or sentences.

Example: - Mohit and Chaitanya are good


Learn your lesson or leave the class.


and, or, but, so, also, too, if, unless, while,

 because, though, although, till, until, still,

 therefore, not only.....but also


What is Interjection ?

Ans: An interjection is a word which expresses

 some sudden feeling.


Hellow! How are you ?

Alas ! The man is  dead.

Hurray ! Today is a holiday.

Bravo ! You have done well.

Oh ! What a nice view.




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