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01. Tense part-8, 02. Class VIII English- (Geography Lesson ), 03. Class IX English (Villa for Sale ), 04. Parts of Speech ( Noun), 05. The English Language For Advanced Students,

V - ENGLISH - 2.2 Flying Together - Word Drilling



on time idiom – meaning - neither late nor early

in time – idiom – meaning - either late or early

leafy – adjective – leafier – leafiest – having a lot of leaves

We should eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.

Safe – adjective – safer – safest – protected from any danger or harm

The children are quite safe here.

a flock of – a group of sheep, goat, or birds of the same type, a large group of people especially of the same type

a flock of children, a flock of reporters

wild – adjective – wilder, wildest

living or growing in natural conditions. These animals are not kept in a house or a farm.

The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.

geese – noun – plural for goose, large web-footed bird

notice – noun – paying attention

verb – see or hear

creeper - noun – plant that needs support to grow usually along a wall or a tree

destroy - verb – to damage – The building was completely destroyed by fire.

harm – noun – damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event – Don’t do any harm to anybody.

Verb – meaning – to hurt or injure sb or to damage sth

He would never harm anyone.

Pollution can harm marine life.

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